The hamburg declaration

What is the hamburg declaration about?
Despite individual political efforts, including the German Prevention Act 2015 and in 2020, the World Health Organization with the „Global action plan on physical activity“, the trend towards global inactivity has not yet been significantly reduced or even reversed.
Therefore, well-known scientific societies and organisations have been calling for years on global politics to give higher priority to the promotion of physical activity and to create corresponding structures that enable actors in sport, health and medicine to successfully implement measures that promote physical activity. Furthermore, better networking of the active organisations, associations, professional societies and political institutions is of the greatest importance in order to use synergies and implement best practice examples as efficiently, comprehensively and sustainably as possible. A global alliance against physical inactivity is needed.
Within the framework of the Sports, Medicine and Health Summit 2021, the "Hamburg Declaration" is not only intended to set a public signal against physical inactivity. On the one hand, the work contains the voluntary commitment of well-known organisations, professional societies and sports associations to implement specific measures and efforts to combat physical inactivity and forms the basis of a joint alliance. On the other hand, the "Hamburg Declaration" calls on national and international politics to join this global alliance and to commit to concrete structural measures.
The "Hamburg Declaration" is currently supported by more than 100 organizations.
The following organizations are part of the strong supporters of the Hamburg Declaration, and more are joining continuously: